It all begins with an idea

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  • Denise Watrous-Establish Yourself as the Expert

    Denise Watrous-Establish Yourself as the Expert

    Every day, in photography chat groups, I read posts from photographers asking things like, "What do I tell my client?" "Our shoot is today, but it's raining, what do I do?" "My client did not pick a location yet, what do I say?"  "The clothing my client brought is awful, help!"  All of these and more should have been addressed in the first conversation with your client!  Listen as I play three actual client phone calls. and then dissect each for a clear understanding of what I say and WHY!  You want potential clients to view YOU as the expert.  When they call someone down the street who doesn't know what to say, they'll call you back because you have their confidence!  -Denise Watrous

  • Photoshop Compositions with Tim Bradshaw

    Photoshop Compositions with Tim Bradshaw

    Photoshop expert Tim Bradshaw demonstrates, in a clear and engaging manner, how to effectively create stunning compositions that feature multiple images.

  • How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse with Gary Poole

    How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse with Gary Poole

    Gary Poole details how to capture solar eclipse.

  • Over and Beyond 79   Understanding Image Competition with Angela Hughes
  • Pricing for profit with Marnie Clagett

    Pricing for profit with Marnie Clagett

    Marnie is going to talk about taking control of your pricing and sales process. She will show you that higher sales averages are more than what happens during an ordering appointment, how to use your pricing as an effective sales tool and how to change your mindset and eliminate fear.

  • Family & Children Photography with Heather Larkin

    Family & Children Photography with Heather Larkin

    Heather is going to talk about taking family or kid photos and how to get natural, fun expressions out of them. It is a fun experience for everyone!