Develop 2024

The Professional Photographers Association of Missouri (MOPPA) organization just wrapped up the 2024 conference which was held at the Courtyard Marriott in Jefferson City, MO.

It was a great success due to the following people.

Our loyal sponsors:

H&H Color Lab

Miller’s Professional Lab

Diversified Lab Services, Inc.

ACI Labs

Our amazing speakers:

David and Whitney Scott

Jeff Edwards

Blake Rudis

Gary Shaver

Aloha Kelly

Debbie DeClue

Mena Darre

And finally thank you to the board of directors and many volunteers for all the hours and hard work they put in.

The Develop conference always offers a pre-conference class, multiple classes during the conference, shoot-out sessions with the instructors and members, lots of networking and definitely lots of fun!

We are already working on the next conference. Please check back often, or better yet, subscribe below to stay informed.

Hope we see you there!


MOPPA's classes provide you with the tools to find success in photography. Each month MOPPA hosts classes from some of the country’s best photographers spanning a range of topics.

Photo Credit: MOPPA Member - Linda Hamlin

Photo Credit: MOPPA Member - Patty Ingalls

Image Competition

Image Competition is the most intense photographic education you can get. Through this process, you will learn to see and view your work more objectively while developing a more refined skill set that carries over into your everyday work. We welcome everyone to participate in image competition; beginners or seasoned veterans, we all have something to offer and something to learn.

Individuals who demonstrate exceptional services rendered to the profession of photography

Fellow of Photography Degree Program

Individuals who demonstrate exceptional ability in photography and/or in the arts and crafts involved in the production of finished photographs and who demonstrate exceptional services rendered to the profession of photography, the photographic industry, and the Association shall be recognized by the Professional Photographers Association of Missouri (MOPPA) through the awarding of credits and honors in the manner prescribed by this program.


To receive PPA of MO Fellowship Award credits, the recipient must be a member in good standing of MOPPA with dues paid in this Association

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